यमाजी मालकर पत्रकारिता आणि साहित्य याची चर्चा करणे, पत्रकारांच्या दृष्टीने मनोहारी असले तरी आता वेगळा विचार केला पाहिजे, असे मला वाटते. हे मान्य केले पाहिजे की साहित्याचा प्रवाह, वाचनसंस्कृतीला चालना देण्याचे काम आपल्या हातातील माध्यम किंवा वर्तमानपत्राच्या मार्फत पत्रकार नेहमीच…

How New Voice Search Technologies Affect SEO
Technology changes every day. There is something innovative happening in the digital world. There is a change in every minute aspect of the digital platform. Be it social networking sites, different websites, SEO process, changes on the internet and much…

Explore your Business with Effective Affiliate Marketing
Affiliated marketing is one of the oldest types of internet marketing. In affiliated marketing someone buys any commodity through online site there is the affiliate in between merchant and consumer. That middleman or website is known as affiliate marketing. Affiliate…

White Hat SEO V/S Black Hat SEO – Recognize the Difference
For every business, web pages, blogs are incomplete without SEO. Search Engine Optimization is the very impactful factor for any website. If you want to reach a top ranking on the search engine, then you should definitely have to do…

The Essential Ingredients of Successful Content
To write a good content is a choice. You can pick up a place in the time and work needed to create good content and build a flourishing brand. Now we are on the digital edge where realistically everybody searches…

Improve the Performance of your Content with Google Analytics
So you have a content ready and you are all set to post it on your website or blog. But are you really sure about your content performance. Most of the writers are still not aware about the secrets that…

Fresh Content Has a Great Impact on Your Website
Your website is a living, breathing entity on the internet. Every update you make on your website once it goes live online plays a part to interact with visitors, customers while being on top among the search engines like Google. …

Understanding the Different Types of Content Writing
There are many categories of content writing. Through these types, it is easier to understand what kind of writer falls in each category. This way it is easier to segregate them as per the genre. First, your content is only…

Explore Some New Ways to Develop Content for Digital Platform
Content is extremely important for almost every form of media. But this content should be drafted in an effective manner. The content quality should be good and must not be compromised at any level. A good content is created for…

Guidelines on Making the Right Use Of Content
You have a good website, it is all designed nicely but still, you are not able to reach the target audience and you are wondering what must be the problem, if yes then you are lacking a good content strategy.…